Water - the old, re-newed lifestyle drink

enjoyable, energizing and refreshing

GRANDER® water means enjoyment and well-being @ Heribert Grander GRANDER® water means enjoyment and well-being
Water is a symbol of enjoyment, because drinking water tastes good and is beneficial for the body.  Even though it's older than mankind itself, water is trendier than ever before.

When discussing the topic of exquisite food and enjoyment, one always talks about water:  water as a beverage and water used to prepare food.  Just as every coffee drinker appreciates a good glass of water with his/her cup of coffee, for a gourmet a pitcher of fresh water complements every meal.

Original, powerful and full of vitality

Water has special characteristics and capabilities from its origin, that it can only develop as long as it is natural and healthy and protected from harmful environmental influences.

On its journey to us, water loses a lot of its vitality.  It is forced through pipes and is constantly exposed to stress, pressure and other environmental influences resulting in the natural structure of water being altered.

By using the GRANDER® water revitalisation the water's quality is improved naturally and becomes a biologically, top-quality beverage.  The extraordinary feature with GRANDER® water revitalisation is the revitalized water regains its original capabilities including increased resistance, durability and vitality.

For people, who place great value on quality of life

People, who enjoy revitalized water, place special value on drinking water quality.  Food, that is prepared using revitalized water, stay fresh longer and taste particularly authentic.

For this reason GRANDER® water revitalisation has touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of users in Austria and abroad becoming a daily part of their lives, that they don't want to do without.


  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Our climate is becoming warmer and more unsettled."

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You would like to have the best water in your home?

Our water experts are happy to offer a free and non-binding consultation. Contact us for your customized water concept – for the highest quality of water straight from your tap in a sustainable way.