Not all waters are equal

Water possesses a changeable inner structure

The structure of water changes constantly, because the sun, moon and the entire cosmos communicate with and through the element of water.  But also vibrations caused artificially, for example through power lines, satellites or radio installations, have an effect on water.

The complex inner structure of water is vitally responsible for its properties and therefore a decisive quality attribute for the quality of water.

Dipl. Ing. Johannes Larch, Head of GRANDER® Research & Development: "Two chemically identical waters can have different physical and biological properties.  This means that a water can behave differently in a living organism in comparison to another, although both prove to have exactly the same contents.  In the official evaluation of drinking water there is little importance placed on the water structure.  This lies in the fact that we cannot yet measure it."

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Our climate is becoming warmer and more unsettled."

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