Applied Water Physics

Research at WETSUS

‘Water is undoubtedly the most important chemical substance of this world. Despite this, and in spite of the fact that it is practically ubiquitous, it still represents one of the best explored and yet least understood substances. When looking deeper into the field, it turns out that there is much special but little general knowledge.

For example, there are many theories for each of the various anomalies of water – but rarely one theory that explains more than a few anomalies.’

Main task of applied water physics

‘The emphasis of the Applied Water Physics Theme lies in the exploration of these basic properties of water, especially its interactions with electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields and the effect of such interactions on living organisms like bacteria. Based upon deeper insights into the fundamentals of water, the Theme furthermore focuses on screening commercially available water treatment concepts based upon such interaction. Thereby break-through discoveries through fundamental research and pioneering screening experiments with physical, chemical and biological model systems are combined to pave the way for the development of seminal, epoch making water treatment technologies.’

(Source: WETSUS website accessed 25 September 2019)

Theme manager: Ruud van Nieuwenhuijze, Brabant Water
Theme coordinator: Elmar C. Fuchs


TU Graz        BOKU Wien            TU Delft university


brabant water      waterlaboratorium noord        grander IPF     Schauberger Naturtechnik

h2 motion      bright spark     coherent water systems           integro



Selected current RESEARCH PROJECTS:

Xiaoxia Liu, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Extended biostability of potable water through sustainable non-chemical treatment

Maarten van de Griend, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Vortex treatment of water in a hyperbolic geometry

and many more

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Nature is our best teacher."

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