IPF – Research at GRANDER®

IPF GmbH was founded in 1992, and is situated in Jochberg, Tyrol, like all other GRANDER® companies. The enterprise conducts research for GRANDER®, guided by head of research, Johannes Larch. Georg Huber and Heribert Grander are the managing directors.

Numerous research projects on the topic of water are jointly realized with research institutions from around the globe. Among them, the cooperation with WETSUS – European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology has been particularly fruitful.


Test setup for the study realized by Prof. Buisman (WETSUS) and Dr. Elmar Fuchs (Graz University of Technology):

‘Strong Gradients in Weak Magnetic Fields Induce DOLLOP Formation in Tap Water’

was realized using a GRANDER® Energy Rod Circulation Double made available by IPF/GRANDER® – see screenshot:

water core magnet treatment device grander dzkl 

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "If people only realized that earth is a living being, they would approach it very differently."

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